Every 2nd period I have to take a shit. I feel it brewing at 6:30 or so aftger my morning cup of coffee. Where'd the sleep go. What's sleep anyways - something that doesn't exist after college apparently. I need a job that allows more sleep. That's how I determined my major, history, anyways. No classes before 10 a.m. Most history courses began at 10:45, which gives me just enough sleep if I actually decide to go to Professor Bowling's lecture. But for now, I'm up at 6:30, sleeping is history, sub teaching tomorrow's leaders presently. There could be another George Bush in here? Or another Abraham Lincoln - one of Bush's many teachers - right?
I feel the shit brewing before I go to school, but I figure why start now, it's not completely ready to come out, and we all know (all, being men; women don't brew) if you push too soon, when the poop doesn't want to be born yet, it will be premature and you'll have to make a couple visits to Jon before I can stop worrying about one of the little shits yelling "Who farted?".
So I wait until 3rd period, often my prep. Subs need this prep more than real teachers. Real teachers would leave the classroom prolly period one and take care of business - why? because they're experienced, or at least been there long enough to know when nature calls, you answer - and don't give a SHIT about stinking up the hallways for passerbys on way to 2nd period. Lincoln would have gone lst period. Bush wears diapers - the only reason I can think of for him standing like that.
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