Saturday, November 19, 2005

Everybody asks what I'm up to these days. The answer they're looking for is something like sub teaching, which I am doing, but truthfully I have no clue what I'm doing. So today I thought, maybe I'll grow some facial hair. Maybe that's where the answers are. So for now, when people asks what I'm up to, I will tell them, "Growing facial hair, trying to figure this whole THing out."

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


...lil' slices of G-Man's day...

Sun. Nov. 13, 2005

Football Sunday - Me, a Giants fan. What a horrible (say it like Bill Walton now - horr ii bull) game. It was boring and when I'm bored I wander off and think of stuff. Stuff like why the zebra designs for the ref outfits. And I know the critics rate this a "G" blog, but what do the letters "BJ" stand for on the back of referee 74?

Wed. Nov. 9, 2005

G-man subbed at Kennedy Middle once again. Don't really love this subbing thing, but it's for the kids; as it should always be. Writing to help the munchkins out. A little petition. Had cafe duty for 3 periods straight today. Without Mr. Kennedy in there, chaos would have persued. Students act better around me because I lied to them and said, "Yes I am related to JFK"; not exactly a lie though. Futhermore, chicken nuggets were on the lunch menu today. They dish out a whole 5 nuggets for these kids. According to the 1847 study "Our minds are conditioned to think in equal numbers, and yes, so are our bellies", the students deserve 6 nuggets. The kids want one more nugget, and one more nugget they shall receive if the American people would fight the power and sign this petition.


Was picking up Chilli's for the fam. Dad, me, and brother - Cajun chicken sandwich, awwh yeah; Mom - steak sandwich. Order to go right. Chilli's has a new thing; curb side pickup. Was sitting in the parking lot, waiting for our food, listening to Rosanne do standup about Arsenio Hall being our only chance to see a black nerd. I'm waiting for awhile, two cars are parked next to me...One guy waiting asks the other guy (you know, the other guy), "Do they really go out and give us the food, or do you have to go in? The OTHER guy astonishes him by telling him they do come out. Here we are, in a parking lot, signs in front of us - "Curb Side Pick-UP", and this guy asks if they really come out.

This gave me an idea. A couple friends of mine, all caucasian (because that's where we were born), were considering opening up a Chinse Restaurant; possibly "Kennedy & Macca's Chinse Restaurant"; our slogan being "We Spare the Felines". We'd even have curb side pick-up...but not really; have the signs out there and just make people wait, and when they got tired of waiting, they'd come inside, we'd be right next to the door and say, "Oh, was just on my way out".


Tuesday, November 8, 2005

My grandma ma gets her toe nails clipped at the doctor...must be a pre-voting ritual

I voted today, among other things, also had a ham sandwich with the spicy, yet unspicy mustard